Get More Vehicle Buyers: Why You Should Personalize Your Emails

“It’s kind of the ultimate marketing strategy, right?”

“The ability to put the right product in front of the right customer at the right time – personalization is the epitome of that now,” says Daniel Neukomm, CEO of La Jolla Group – the parent company of action sports apparel brands Metal Mulisha and O’Neill.

How do the discoveries of the clothing industry apply to automotive marketing?

At first, La Jolla Group sent emails in a batch-and-blast style and only segmented its customers based on gender. This wasn’t very successful in targeting the younger age group they were after.

However, through experience the company learned the importance of dividing their prospects up into more groups (segmentation).

They also took advantage of what’s called aggregated consumer data.

As people shop and browse, they voluntarily leave behind info useful for sellers.

The best data companies put these puzzle pieces together and offer a gold mine of information to help merchants better target consumers.

Store owners can learn so much about their ideal customer’s interests and lifestyle. And all of this is so powerful in predicting who will buy and when.

Neukomm adds:

“For a long time people thought that email was going to get phased out by social messaging, text, and other dominant channels. But the reality is our consumer is a media snacker. They consume content through so many different mediums – a lot of which they don’t really want commerce-type communications through….  I don’t know that a consumer wants to be sold something on Instagram; Facebook notoriously failed at trying to provide a shopping environment. It’s just wrong place, wrong time. Email is a place where consumers expect to talk about commerce.”

Yes, increasing open rates, click-throughs and conversions are all good goals. Yet more important than this is customer experience.

How will your communication make them feel about your brand?

Sure, recommending the right car to someone is important.

But making people happy and putting your brand in the back of their head?


Are you using all of these techniques to your advantage?

Contact National Auto Data for a free, no-strings-attached consultation.

We’ll examine every inch of your marketing goals, look at your competition and tell you something new.

Call us today at 866-363-9578 to get things started.


How to Harness Big Data for New Profits & Success

What is big data, anyway? Put simply, it’s every piece of data that makes its way to the internet.

Not necessarily available for everyone to see, but on the internet.

Not only is there structured data, but unstructured data: Facebook status updates, Tweets, that book you purchased online.

More and more of this data actually is available for everyone to see. It forms a great grid, now being called the Internet of Things.

How can you use this? Here’s an example.

Twitter analytics now describes in detail your followers interests, gender, household income, consumer buying styles, net worth, marital status, education and wireless carrier.

All for free.

Not only does the GPS in your cell phone transmit your location coordinates. Your car also sends data to the manufacturer via OnStar or other services.

The internet itself is often referred to as the cloud. Why?

Every day there are more servers and computers placed on this giant network.

Since your data isn’t exactly all in one place, this huge network is aptly described as a large, constantly changing and growing cloud.

At first, we stored our data on floppy disks. Then there were CDs. Then DVDs. Then Blu Ray discs.

These worked well for the old desktop computers.

Yet today, we use laptops, tablets, smart phones, smart watches and other wearable tech.

We take our devices everywhere. And we want every one of these devices to access our data.

Years ago, all our software came on disks.

Later on, we began downloading our programs from the internet onto our desktops. (Where we still kept our data.)

Today, the cloud houses our data and our software. Software makers update their creations without there even having to be an Update button to press.

Nor do we have to reboot.

And, we can use our data and apps anywhere we take our devices.

All of this is known as Software As A Service (SaaS).

How is all of this an advantage to you?

First of all, you can use all this data from anywhere, with fewer interruptions.

You can use the data to find people who are more likely to buy your products and services.

More importantly, you can know exactly when they want to buy.

It gives you customer service and customer relationship management ability you’ve never had before.

You can tell when someone places something in a virtual shopping cart, but doesn’t actually hit the Buy button.

Why not email them a special offer?

Or, your car signals the dealership that it’s low on oil.

All of a sudden, they automagically get an oil change reminder and a coupon.

As you look around, you probably see your life being impacted by these changes more and more.

Are you using this data to your advantage?

Contact National Auto Data for a free, no-strings-attached consultation.

We’ll examine every inch of your marketing goals, look at your competition and tell you something new.

Call us today at 866-363-9578 to get things started.

Unexpected New Secrets To Success With Your Emails

Let’s face it. The email “tips” you find online are awful.

You know, the ones that say: Build a strategy. Use A/B testing. Blech!

Of course you’re going to use a strategy! And you’re going to try different stuff. Duh!

To grasp what’s working, think for a moment about why you check your own inbox.

Is it to get the latest marketing emails?

You don’t watch TV for the commercials. Neither do you race to the computer each morning to see what “offers” await.

Emails shouldn’t sell.

At least not blatantly.

You’ll sign up for the occasional app, service or gimme.

But what emails do you really open? Emails from your friends, your coworkers. People who actually communicate and help you.

Even the latest app or service email should be helpful.

Offer people real information. Offer your help. Invite them to talk to you.

Never ever send email from an address like “” That’s a painfully obvious way to let your subscribers know your email is merely a one-way conversation.

Here’s another truth:

Email doesn’t drive traffic very well. Unless…

Tests show that email brings far less people to websites than social media or Google searches.

However, here’s the good news:

Let’s say you start out with a rented list of emails. You get the recipients to opt in to your own brand.

Then you send them multiple emails. Guess what?

These people are more loyal, avid fans than your Googlers and social media looky loo’s.

What does this mean for you?

SEO and social media have their place when it comes to getting new leads.

Direct mail and rented email lists work well for getting initial traffic. However…

The real power of email happens when you maintain and work your list. You use multiple campaigns and build brand awareness.

But hold on…again put yourself in the shoes of the recipient.

Do you want 2-3 emails a week from the same pushy company? Probably not.

Build trust, not annoyance. Create ways for people to expect more emails from you.

Now you’re starting to nurture relationships and you’ll actually see sales.

That’s what you wanted in the first place, right? Sales?

Anyone (even with a small budget) can send friendly, well written, truly personalized and helpful emails.

Will you?

Contact National Auto Data for a free, no-strings-attached quote.

We’ll examine every inch of your email goals, look at your competition and tell you something new.

Call us today at 866-363-9578 to get things started.

How Do You Know if Your Direct Marketing Campaign Was a Success?

Here’s a big myth about email marketing and direct mail. Some say it’s impossible to measure.

How in the world would you know if the email or postcard you sent someone got them into your showroom?

As you know, ability to measure your automotive marketing success is critical. You can’t pump a lot of money into something that might work – or might not.

To bust apart this myth, here are five ways you can specifically measure your direct mail success.

1. Call Tracking

You simply assign a unique, trackable phone number to your marketing campaign. Do you send out multiple campaigns? No problem.

Phone numbers are inexpensive. Simply assign a different number to each campaign. Then you know exactly who responded to which campaign.


2. Promo Codes

Another great way to prove the success of your campaigns? Promotional codes. For each campaign, assign a unique code to the postcard or flier you send out.


How do you get people to tell you what their code is? Simply offer a discount for telling you the code.

Without fail, your responders will be happy to give this info to you!

3. Campaign Specific URLs

For each campaign you send out, make a landing page on your (or your promotional) website.

This is great for any sales campaign, and especially events at your dealership.

Make the URL of the landing page easy to type in. For example:

The “12345” in the URL above is a special code that’s unique for each person you target in the campaign. Your call to action on the flier will include the URL.

Your prospect simply has to type in the url with the promo code (once again offering a discount for the correct promo code). Again something people are happy to do in order to RSVP, get more information, claim a prize or get a discount.

Keep in mind that “promo10” would ONLY be used on that printed piece for everyone in that campaign. You would not mention or link to this page from anywhere else on your site.

This allows you to see the overall campaign success (promo10) and the response of each individual (12345).

4. Geographic Info

If your campaign was limited to a specific area or region, watch your showroom traffic in that region after sending the campaign.

5. Google Brand Searches

Even with specific instructions on your mail piece or email, people will still Google and go to your website. Even though they didn’t go to the landing page set up for them, you may still see a spike in your traffic.

With Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools set up, you’ll see this. Years of ad wisdom prove this out: people need to see your brand a few times before they respond. So, this is also a measure of success for your campaigns.

Yes, you can measure your direct mail and email results.

With the simple methods described above, you’ll see what you’re doing right and where you can improve your marketing.

Contact National Auto Data for a free, no-strings-attached quote.

We’ll examine every inch of your ad goals, look at your competition and tell you something new.

Call us today at 866-363-9578 to get things started.

Create Great Ads: Keep It Simple

Resist the urge. The one every salesman has.

 What urge?
 To stuff your ads, commercials and communication with too many facts.
 Do you have the biggest dealership, the largest selection, the most helpful salespeople, etc., etc.?


How do you get all that info into your ad?

 Whether it’s a print ad, a video or radio ad it doesn’t matter: you have a teeny, tiny window of opportunity to grab attention.

The headline or the first few seconds is all that counts. And what follows better be pretty good to keep their interest.

You have seconds or just a handful of words to make your point, present an offer and close your ad somehow. (And if you have co-op limitations to follow, you’ll have even less time to talk about your dealership.)

Easy, you say? Of course, you’ll just hire a fast talking voiceover to announce all of your info in an irritating way, right?

Sure, you could pour dollars into this, and maybe see a marginal benefit. People might recognize your dealership a bit more.

Or they might just run away from it!

Don’t kid yourself.

When people see or hear something, their brain immediately runs it through the filter:

Can I tune this out?

Between your eyeballs and the part of your brain connected to your wallet is a ruthless editor.

Here’s its job:

Severely cut out the details. Am I bored or overwhelmed?

Then forget it! I’m ignoring what I see!

To get past this indomitable gatekeeper, you must beat it to the punch.

Don’t give it all those details about how you’re the best. Just focus on one or two things.

Severely cut out the details.


Keep it entertained. Hit it with, “Wow, this is new. I have to act on this!”

If you get people thinking about a couple positive things in your ad, it doesn’t matter they don’t know all the other great things about you.

Because they have such a good reaction…


They’ll assume everything else about your dealership is top notch.

So, are you spending your marketing dollars the best way? Is your dealership overstuffing your ads with too much info?

Contact National Auto Data for a free, no-strings-attached ad review.

We’ll examine every inch of your ads, look at your competition.

Call us today at 866-363-9578 and we’ll tell you something new.

Gambling With Your Data

How Automotive Dealers Gamble With Their Mailing Lists: Protect Your Investment

Some people will take great automotive mailing lists and drive them straight into the ground.

One way to do that is simply to send once and then stop marketing for a couple months. Regular contact with your target audience is crucial.

Another way to gamble is to use the list for snail mail only.

Let’s rip the band-aid off right away.
Some people hate direct mail. For them, it’s almost as disruptive as putting your brand on a blimp and driving it through their kitchen window.

Other people feel that way about email.

If you search Google for email and direct mail in the same search, you’ll see dozens of articles on which one is best. This kind of misinformation is absolutely great for your business. Why?

If everybody else uses only one of these media channels, but you use both, you’ll take their customers and come out as the winner.

Be Where Your Customers Are

You must be where your customers are. They are everywhere. You should be too. Studies show that customers reached via multiple channels spend between 3 and 4 times as much as those who only respond to one channel.

You’ve heard the old saying, “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” The concept certainly applies to marketing. That’s why it’s so important to use a variety of methods to reach the customer.

Your e-mail should include the catch phrases, brand name and other identifying marks used in the print piece, and the channels must reference one another. Similarly, the e-mail subject line must repeat the envelope copy or a dominant line in the postal piece.

Keep it short. Perhaps 30 to 40 characters. Make it action-oriented, brand-specific and benefit-driven. The “from” line in the email should match the name used in the postal piece. Each channel has different strengths. Direct mail confers legitimacy. Email is interactive and easy to use.

The message should be the same in both. You should invest in both.

Protect your advertising dollars, send both emails and direct mail.

Don’t Lose On Tax Season

Warning: Don’t Lose On Tax Season, Profit From Your Car Buyers!

The key to success for any car dealer is getting your automotive data updated early, often, consistently and effectively.

These following ideas produce repeat business. Why? We all need to file our taxes every year and everybody sooner or later needs to buy another car. Whether or not they purchase this year or next, when it’s time, the buyers will know where to go if you’ve marketed the right way.

Did you know that a good half of all taxpayers who get a refund will spend their whole refund within 48 hours? Yes, it’s true. Of this group, studies reveal that a vehicle purchase is the number one way they will spend their new chunk of change.

Where do you begin?

To begin ramping up your dealer marketing so that it really works, you want to display your tax refund banners and indoor advertising materials immediately.

You’ll also want to freshen your vehicle owner data as soon after or before the new year. If you’re still mailing people using an old list, you’re bound to fail. Those people moved and sold their cars, which means you’re no longer relevant. Avoid this and pick up the best list.

Obviously, not everybody who visits your lot is really ready to buy. The down payment is often one of the biggest obstacles. No matter what time of year it is, let people know that you can file their taxes. They’re far more likely to come back to you during tax time. Whenever shoppers leave your lot, salespeople should remind them (no matter what time of year it is), that you give tax refunds.

Your dealership is already doing some kind of advertising. Why not piggyback your current advertising with a new marketing list? If your current efforts aren’t getting the results you want, why not try something better?

Keep this in mind: over 80% of your first quarter sales due to tax returns will occur between January 15th and February 15th. Almost all of the other 20% is going to be from February 15 to April 15. So be ready! Customer volume throughout the fourth quarter closely follows the holiday buying season that spikes around Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Use all three of the following steps for the best results with your tax refund sales. One of these items might help a little, but a blend of all 3 is what really works.

Take Action

Step One: Get people to your lot with whatever you can – use print ads, postcards, direct mail, email, radio, and TV.

Step Two: Tell your customers once they reach your lot – remind them that you can help them with tax refunds. (use such things as: banners, hood signs, realtor signs, table tents, posters and hang tags) The point is take action!

Step Three: Educate your sales staff – answer phones, and ask your walk in people if they have filed their taxes. “Bring your W2’s, drive out today!”

Catch your customers’ attention with this, and increase your sales today!

Why & When You Absolutely Must Follow Up

Auto Marketing – Why & When You Absolutely Must Follow Up

Sales departments and automobile marketing people waste insane amounts of money. It’s all for one ridiculous reason – fear of overwhelming or annoying prospects.

Granted, you don’t want to do either of these. This begs the question: How often should you be sending out a campaign to your potential buyers?

Consider these two powerful facts:
1. Each time you communicate, you’re gaining influence or traction – even with people who don’t respond.

2. Each one of your campaigns should build on the previous ones – the effect of each should be cumulative.The vast majority of businesses send out one email, one letter or postcard and then stop. This is great news for you. You know better than this. If you send the pieces so far apart (or never again), you lose both influence and the cumulative effect. Not to mention, you’re wasting money you can’t afford to lose.

Many messages over multiple months makes money!

Dan Kennedy, recognized as one of the greatest marketers of all time, says “one” is the worst number in marketing. You absolutely must use multiple steps and multiple media. Nothing has changed and this truth has been around for a long time. John D. Rockefeller said, “Perseverance…overcomes almost anything, even nature.”

Each message can stress a unique advantage of your business. If one approach doesn’t create as much response, you go back to the prospect with a different pitch. Go ahead and refer to the previous message within the verbiage of your new campaign – it works.

Magazine publishers and credit card companies are decimating forests and clogging email servers. They go on and on, begging, hounding, cajoling, until the 87th message says, “Okay, we give up. You’ll never hear from us again.” At which point, of course, a ton of people respond!

You don’t need this many campaigns to create urgency. Is it corny to show a clock ticking that says, “time is running out”? Of course, but it keeps on working!

When you send your campaigns, make sure to freshen your data. Every week people transfer vehicle titles. Every month, a good data source makes millions of updates to their auto owner records.

At this point one thing should be clear. You need to contact your public every single month. Would it help to reach out to them even more often?

Split your list in two and try two different campaigns. Send the exact same message – the only thing that changes is how often you contact them. Perhaps one half of your list gets reached every two weeks; the other once a month.

After that, all you have to do is sit back and see which one worked better. Which got better responses? Which yielded more qualified leads?

Continue to tweak and fiddle with your intervals until you have a plan that really works for you and your business.

New Movers Don’t Miss The Value

Value of New Mover Lists

New mover marketing is widely regarded as being one of the most lucrative approaches in getting quality leads who are willing to spend money. Many businesses make a significant amount of money by establishing and utilizing their new mover lists on a regular basis. It is a tactic that has been around for a long time and is appreciated by industry experts because of its consistent results. Let’s take a look at the value of new mover marketing and how it can also help with automotive marketing.

Eager to Purchase

New mover lists are all about finding new movers as recent as possible. Marketers will often run into situation where the target market is simply not ready to spend. When an individual is put onto a new mover list, they are immediately signalling their willingness of being ready to spend without saying anything.

This is the real value of a list of this kind and the marketing approach in general. It does all of the filtering on its own without the business having to put in a lot of effort.

Have Money in Hand

New mover marketing has earned a lot of praise in terms of being a positive tactic because these new movers have money to spend. They have money in hand that is just waiting to be spent after a little bit of quality, professional marketing is directed their way. Most new movers will have money left on the side that is going to be used to spend on additional purchases. This is where a business comes in and markets to them in order to get the conversion.

46% of Americans Have Moved Within Past Five Years

What does this fact establish? It demonstrates the core value of a new mover list. There is nothing better than being able to tap into at least 46% of the entire population in one shot. In a span of five years, 46% of the entire nation’s population has moved. This means, they were also part of the list at one point which could have been targeted.

The potential is sky high with this kind of marketing and coupled with the previous benefits listed above, it is a recipe for big success and big money.

New Mover Marketing and Automotive Industry

Upon moving, an individual will have to go and update their records along with making changes to their automotive plans. It can be compared to hitting the ‘refresh’ button on a computer. This is a common practice and in return makes them highly value for the automotive industry. Whether it has to do with changing insurance providers or changing vehicle service locations, new mover marketing helps filter out prospective clients who are ready to spend.

The automotive industry is often seen as one of the biggest beneficiaries of new mover marketing and will continue to remain so as time goes on.

Value Of Coupling SMS Marketing

Value Of Coupling SMS Marketing With Other Techniques

Marketing for a product and/or service is not about using one technique and running with it. The best marketing campaigns involve the use of a wide range of techniques paired together to help the enterprise progress forward. Business owners have found strategic value in present times by coupling SMS marketing along with other techniques. Let’s take a look at the benefits associated with coupling SMS marketing with other techniques and how this can help a business progress towards its short and long term goals.


Increases Chances of Reaching Prospective Consumer

The one issue most business owners have with marketing campaigns tends to revolve around the advertisements not being read/viewed. This can lead to a significant amount of frustration and becomes a given when only one tactic is being employed. It is essential to start coupling SMS marketing along with e-mail marketing or direct mail to get more people to read the ads.

If a person does not read their text, they might open up their e-mail and have a look. It is all about increasing the odds and that is immediate value brought to the table with the inclusion of a more well rounded marketing approach.

Short vs Longer Ads

A business can get restricted when they are only using one approach for marketing purposes. This can include only being able to type up 160 characters or so for each text message. Sometimes, the business has more to say, but they cannot fit it into the text message. This is where an e-mail can come in handy as a marketing tool where the business is able to get a longer message out.

This type of flexibility should never be scoffed at because it can drive up the conversions in a hurry. A message that gets the message across appropriately will always deliver better results than one which is cutting corners.

Frequency of Ads Can Be Perfected

The value of coupling multiple techniques comes through the actual frequency with which the ads will be sent to the target market. For example, it is far easier to send out more text messages than it is to send out e-mails or letter mail. This is why it is important to have both approaches established and going. This can help the business alter its frequency as the months go by.

If only one tactic is being used, the business will be restricted in regards to how many ads they can send out and that is never a good position to be in.

Never be afraid to couple this type of marketing approach with other tactics. All of the most successful businesses in the world have learned this through trial and error because it works. Combine these marketing tactics together and watch as the conversion rates start to go through the roof. A well designed and implemented marketing campaign can become the difference between success and complete failure. Sometimes, the product and/or service has very little to do with the  enterprise’s success, it is always the marketing that determines ultimate glory.