Take Back Your Brand: How To Be Transparent & Thrive

You depend on certain resources to be successful.

Yet thriving dealerships know from experience: the secret to long-term, bottom-line success means spending the time and money on core areas of the dealership.

This means building, keeping, and yes, taking back your brand.

With the advent of Facebook and Twitter, there’s been an enormous interest in social networking. Dealerships know their customers expect a much more interactive, fast-paced experience.

Along with your email and direct marketing, a social media plan is crucial.

Whether you want it or not, you’re getting feedback. Spread all across the web.

Of course, you can’t always be up at 3 AM answering emails or responding to reviews, but it’s getting close to that. You certainly need a team to keep up.

Some dealerships think of user-generated reviews as more of a hassle. It’s not. It’s a huge opportunity. Offer them on your website, on your social media. And in your emails and direct mail.

A survey question with multiple choice makes it easy. An incentive puts the results in the bag. You need this kind of feedback.

And you must respond quickly. Don’t let these messages go unnoticed or pile up. That’s where your team comes in.

It gives management the needed info and brings problems quickly to the surface – before they get out of hand.

If you handle such feedback the right way, it attracts more customers.

Did you get a dissatisfied customer on Twitter? Handle the problem professionally for all to see.

People will focus on your A+ customer service, not the problem. People will see more than the “bad review”. They’ll see you’re honest, you’re inviting feedback, and you’re doing everything you can to make people happy.

As a result, more people will flock in the door. More people will trust you. And more money will drop into your sales profits.

That’s what you want, right?

Are you using this technique to your advantage?

Contact National Auto Data for a free, no-strings-attached consultation.

We’ll examine every inch of your marketing goals, look at your competition and tell you something new.

Call us today at 866-363-9578 to get things started.